
  • Annisa Zafirah Monty Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Riw Sulsaladin Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Magnetic Storm, K index, Dst index, Correlation Coeffiecient


A research has been carried out to analyze the characteristics of magnetic storm events based on daily magnetic variation data in Sukabumi Regency using regression methods and correlation coefficients from early 2019 to the end of 2020. The purpose of this research is to determine the characteristics of magnetic storm events based on daily magnetic variation data in the Regency. Sukabumi and to determine the correlation coefficient value of the peak disturbance of the H component of the earth's magnetic field with the duration of the magnetic storm. The K index value is obtained from the processing using Matlab software. The initial magnetogram of the magnetic storm event can be seen through the Gdasview.jar software display. The peak data processing for component H disturbances was performed using Microsoft Excel software. Based on the results of processing data on the characteristics of magnetic storm events from the beginning of 2019 to the end of 2020 for the maximum magnetic disturbance activity level on September 21, 2020, it is marked with the value of K index = 5, A index = 40.125 and a decrease in the value of Dst = 1 nT which is included in the category little storm. The strongest correlation coefficient value is on September 27, 2019 with the correlation coefficient R2 = 0.6401 and R2 = 0.6107.


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How to Cite

Monty, A. Z., & Sulsaladin, R. . (2021). ANALISIS KARAKTERISTIK KEJADIAN BADAI MAGNETIK BERDASARKAN DATA VARIASI HARIAN MAGNETIK DI KABUPATEN SUKABUMI. Buletin Meteorologi, Klimatologi Dan Geofisika, 2(1), 31–43. Retrieved from