Sebaran Masyarakat Media Sosial Twitter Dalam Merespon Bencana Gempa Bumi Cianjur 2022



  • Setyo Aji Pramono BMKG
  • Reza Bayu Perdana
  • Mutiara Halida


netizen, Earthquake , twitter, twit


Twitter social media is an effective and efficient tool in disaster mitigation efforts in
Indonesia. a collection of tweets from the social media community (warganet) can be
processed in depth to find out an incident that is happening in a particular area. In the
world of disaster, the utilization of Twitter data is still not widely used, this condition is a
very unfortunate situation considering that Indonesia is one of the countries with the
largest number of social media users in the world. In the case of this research, data from
Twitter is on a large scale, limited to using certain keywords and downloaded on a certain
date with filtered data elements according to research needs. All of the downloaded data
is then processed in a simple way using descriptive analysis methods to obtain
information or descriptions of the various responses of the virtual world community
regarding the time and location of the earthquake that occurred in Cianjur Regency. The
results of the analysis show that the number of tweets by netizens is more than 10,000
tweets in a few minutes. Meanwhile, the highest distribution was in a radius of 70-80 km
from the epicenter.


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How to Cite

Pramono, S. A., Perdana, R. B., & Halida, M. . (2024). Sebaran Masyarakat Media Sosial Twitter Dalam Merespon Bencana Gempa Bumi Cianjur 2022: DISTRIBUTION OF TWITTER SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNITIES TO RESPONSE THE CIANJUR EARTHQUAKE DISASTER IN 2022. Buletin Meteorologi, Klimatologi Dan Geofisika, 4(2), 1–8. Retrieved from